Two new APIs from Appcanary
After the success of our check API, we found that our users told us:
“I love your API so much! But can I use it register the packages my app uses and get emailed if new vulnerabilities that affect me come out? Oh, and it would be nice if I could pragmatically query the servers I have agents running on too!”
So we went ahead and built both.
The Monitor API
The “Monitor” API lets you register a Gemfile or an Ubuntu/CentOS package list to be emailed when new vulnerabilities are discovered. It like what our agent does, but in situations where it doesn’t make sense like when you use Docker or deploy on a PaaS like Heroku.
You can register a new monitor by:
curl -H "Authorization: Token YOURTOKENHERE" \
-X POST -F file=@./Gemfile.lock \
and you’ll get a response like:
"data": {
"type": "monitor",
"attributes": {
"name": "my-server",
"uuid": "56eac124-35c2-49bd-ab02-45de56c03ef4",
"vulnerable": true
And, you’ll be emailed about any vulnerabilities that affect your app as soon as we find out about them!
You can also list, inspect, or delete monitors via the API. More information here.
The Server API
The “Server” API allows you to navigate the servers you have the Appcanary agent running on via API, and list any vulnerabilities that affect them!
I can see the servers I have agents running on with:
curl -H "Authorization: Token YOURTOKENHERE" \
and you’ll get a response like:
"data": [
"type": "server",
"attributes": {
"name": "server1",
"uuid": "55a5baeb-2ad4-4787-8784-a062d254900e",
"hostname": "server1",
"last-heartbeat-at": "2016-03-27T03:33:02.185Z",
"vulnerable": true,
"apps": [
"type": "app",
"attributes": {
"name": "",
"path": "/var/lib/dpkg/status",
"uuid": "55a5baec-3e5c-4cca-832c-06aaa36418f6",
"vulnerable": true
"type": "app",
"attributes": {
"name": "",
"path": "/var/www/myapp/current/Gemfile.lock",
"uuid": "55a5baec-027d-4618-b8de-12638281f34c",
"vulnerable": true
"type": "server",
"attributes": {
"name": "server2",
"uuid": "560b0e75-1317-481c-98bb-15e6ae5978b6",
"hostname": "database",
"last-heartbeat-at": "2016-03-08T00:21:31.105Z",
"vulnerable": true,
"apps": [
"type": "app",
"attributes": {
"name": "",
"path": "/var/lib/dpkg/status",
"uuid": "560b0e77-0a26-41fd-bc35-38b5aac33709",
"vulnerable": true
You can also inspect or delete any server with an agent on it via the API.
Our API fully supports Ruby, Ubuntu, and CentOS 7! Learn more about how to use it by visiting the docs page.
You can sign up for Appcanary to use our APIs today!